Review: Painless Diode Laser Hair Removal at SkinStation

I had been searching for quite some time for a cheap laser hair removal treatment and after seeing this post at Facebook which lead me to their website I decided to avail their treatment. After all its just Php 5,000.

FYI I have a hormonal problem which gives me excessive hair growth so if your hormones aren't on haywire this treatment might be more effective to you.

Tips before the procedure

1. Let your underarm hair grow.

I had grown mine to almost half an inch for the procedure, so don't pluck or shave before going there. The root of the hair is need for this procedure to work.

2. Don't put on a deodorant.

They'll just remove it anyway before the procedure.

3. Avoid underarm whitening creams a week before the treatment.

4. I prefer wearing a sleeveless top and something over it before going for the treatment.

But of course that depends on your preference, I prefer it since before the procedure I need to cover the grown hair ;) And then after the procedure they'd be applying a cream, and the skin doesn't absorb it that easily so you'll need to give it time to be absorbed. And that sleeveless top will help.

The Procedure

1. They'll Cleanse your underarm

2. They'll shave the hair

3. They'll put a protector for your eyes.

4. You'll feel them applying a gel to the area

5. They start the procedure.

During the procedure

What you'll feel:

Honestly this depends on how thick the hair is and the setting of the machine. During my first sessions the setting seemed to be low since I barely felt anything during my first 2 sessions. The following sessions seemed to be more painful. The pain is bearable unless the one doing the treatment messed up during the shaving part, so if you feel anything more than bearable SPEAK UP!

After the procedure

They'll be applying a cream over the area.

If it's your first time, the receptionist will advise you to apply two creams. One for the day, the other for the night. It's supposed to relieve the irritation caused by the laser, and the itchiness you'll feel once the hair starts growing.

What to expect

They hair will grow, but don't pluck this! These hair will eventually fall off after the second week so don't fuss and let your tops with sleeves shine, because this is gonna be a long two weeks with them.

1st Session (MOA Branch):

The one who did my treatment was very gentle I barely felt a thing. The hair fell off during the second week. But they eventually grew back, they seemed thinner than they were prior to treatment.

2nd Session (MOA Branch):

A bit painful than the first one, but nothing unbearable. Hair fell off, the hair grew back. Seemed the same to me.

3rd Session (MOA Branch):

My MOST PAINFUL EXPERIENCE! It was almost unbearable. I endured the pain though since I thought it was natural although its as they said "Painless" Diode Laser. 

4th Session (MOA Branch):

Same experience as the 2nd one. Not as painful as the 3rd sesh. The one who treated me during this session was different from my 3rd session. 

Most of the hair didn't fell off. I'm not sure this is worth it anymore. Or maybe it was because of the low setting of their machine.

5th Session (MOA Branch):

I asked about the hair not falling of, she said it must have something to do with my shampoo or conditioner. And that I should avoid anti-hairfall products while on the treatment.

MORE PAINFUL than my 3rd session. I was treated by same girl who did my 3rd session. During the treatment we stopped, after I complained of the pain. She wiped my underarms and went out for awhile, so after she went out I decided to take a peek at my underarms, I was really curious you know and I kid you not MY UNDERARM WAS BLEEDING! I complained at the reception regarding this. They said it must have been caused by a wound during the shaving. Tsk and here I thought the pain was natural. I wish they explained this part to me.

Anyway so after the hair shedding, there seemed to be less hair that grew back this time. And they're way thinner now prior to treatment.

6th Session (Cubao Branch):

After that painful experience at their MOA Branch I decided to transfer to their Cubao Branch located at 2nd floor Shopwise. 

I told the receptionist about my experience at their MOA branch, so she can advise the one who's gonna do my treatment. The treatment went well and painless. 

Hair fell off, hair grew back. But its way thinner, and only some grew back.

7th Session (Cubao Branch):

Same same. Hair fell off, hair grew back. But its way thinner, and only some grew back. And this is compared to my 6th session.

8th Session (Cubao Branch):

Same same. Hair fell off, hair grew back. But its way thinner, and only some grew back. And this is compared to my 7th session.

Review: Warts Removal Treatment at Let's Face It (Market! Market!)

Last Saturday, I've summoned the courage to get my warts removed. I finally walk-in at Let's Face It and decided to get it over with.

I only have flat warts and one skin tag on my face which are barely visible but I just feared that things might get worse so I decided to have them removed.

Just an FYI. Let's Face It used electrocauterization for this procedure, in other words they burn the affected area with electricity. It is a safe procedure and routinely used for surgery.


Its Php 435.00 per 25 pcs of warts. 
You can view their price list here for their other services:


1. Waiver Signing
Before starting the treatment I was asked to sign a waiver. The waiver had five bullets, it contained the side effect which you cannot hold them liable for and that you haven't taken Reaccutane (I'm not sure if that's it and what's the side effects so you could do your research on that). I urge you to read this first since it is just short and it's your face after all.

2. Counting of warts plus estimation on price
After the esthetician who was going to remove my warts estimated the number of warts to be removed (I had a 100+ warts including the once in my chest and neck. So thats more than Php 1000.00)

3. Facial (*optional)
The esthetician asked me if I wanted a facial since its gonna be a few days before I can wash my face again, but I decline and just washed my own face instead, since I was wearing make up.

4. Application of topical anesthesia on warts
So first the girl applied a topical anesthesia on the warts, then covered them with scotch tape.

Essays For IT Management and Current Trends

Where do I see myself 10 years from now? Was my learning in SPUP vital to where I'm leading to?

I see a vague vision of myself applying what I learned not only at the classroom, but also the things I learn at seminars and workshops I attended in and out of school. I see myself helping my family, my alma Mater and maybe starting a family of my own too :)
I say vague, because honestly there would be a lot of factors that would influence the fulfillment of this vision. But hopefully somehow this vision will be fulfilled.

Earning my degree at SPUP is really vital to all the things that I had learned in the past years, and this school also plays a great influence on the road I would be taking. SPUP taught me that in our own simple ways we could always make a change.

Game Cheats: Little Alchemy (210 Elements)


I got really lazy this morning to do our thesis, so I decided to explore google's educational applications and I came across this game (Little Alchemy). It is so addictive, I already found 70 out of 210 elements when I decided to look for other solutions across the Internet. After finding all the solutions I decided to compile all the information I found
Basic Elements:
1.          Air
2.          Water
3.         Earth
4.          Fire

5.         Acid Rain =  Rain    +    Smoke                              
6.         Airplane  =    Bird    +    Steel   or     Bird    +    Metal
7.         Alcohol = time + fruit          
8.         Algae    =    Sea    +    Plant    or    Ocean    +    Plant    or    Water    +    Plant
9.         Allergy   =    Human    +    Dust                              
10.      Alligator   =    Lizard    +    Swamp

Thoughts on a Movie: Antitrust

Antitrust is a 2001 thriller film written by Howard Franklin and directed by Peter Howitt. Starring  Ryan Phillippe, Tim Robbins, Rachael Leigh Cook, and Claire Forlani.

The story is about a computer geek’s (Ryan Phillipe) dream job at a hot Portland-based firm that turns nightmarish. The nightmare starts when random programmers die or are killed at various ways and his boss keeps giving him discs full of codes with no apparent author or staff. As Milo investigates the inner workings of the company, with the help of his girlfriend Alice Poulson (Claire Forlani).  he discovers his boss has a ruthless way of dealing with the competition to dispatch the company’s problems.

The cast of the movie was really great, Claire Forlani, did a great acting as Milo’s girlfriend who had divided loyalty. Ryan Phillippe did great but I found him a bit dull, as the film's hero.  Rachel Leigh Cook, was really cute here, as his partner-in-crime in some parts. Tim Robins seemed a bit like Bill Gates in some of the scenes which really made NURV seem like Microsoft. lol

While the cast is great, the best part of the film is its message. The movie portrayed (although a bit exaggerated in my opinion) the greed of corporate software companies and the altruistic nature of open sourcing. The movie is pro-open source though “Knowledge belongs to the people”, and I quite agree with it ;)

Thoughts on a Movie: Hackers

Hackers is a 1995 American thriller film directed by Iain Softley and starring Angelina Jolie, Jonny Lee Miller, Renoly Santiago and Matthew Lillard. The film follows the exploits of a group of gifted high school hackers and their involvement in a corporate extortion conspiracy.

Dade “Zero Cool” Murphy (Jonny Lee Miller) is found guilty as an 11 year old for crashing 1,507 systems in one day and causing a single-day 7-point drop in the New York Stock Exchange and is on probation until his 18th birthday. As he transfers high school for his senior year in New York City, his hacking skills under the name of Crash Override, earn the respect of his peers. Except for Kate aka Acid Burn (Angelina Jolie), a goth-like character who owned the turf that Dade invaded recently. But when our antagonists strikes, in this case represented by another hacker, The Plague (Fisher Stevens), starts framing their friends up for a corporate extortion conspiracy and threaten environmental pollution, they had put aside their differences and worked as a team to defeat him.

The movie was trying to portray the spirit and ethics of hackers to some degree, but for me it still didn’t completely succeed in doing it. But still I'd say the movie was really worthwhile, I really enjoyed it, the cinematography was amazing, and there was no dull or boring scene in the movie, thanks to the loud music and the special effects they used. I really felt like I was watching an MTV at some

Thoughts on a Movie: A.I. (Artificial Intelligence)

AI (Artificial Intelligence) is a 2001 film directed by Steven Spielberg and the late Stanley Kubrick based on Brian Aldiss’ short story “Super-Toys Last All Summer Long”.

It is a three-act film, focused on the efforts of David (Haley Joel Osment) to become a real boy like Pinnochio , so he could be accepted by Monica (Frances O'Connor) his known mother. David is an advanced humanoid, designed to resemble a human child and love its owner.

The first act is about David being a temporary replacement for the Swinton’s whose real son Martin is in suspended animation suffering from a deadly rare disease. Monica is initially frightened of David, but eventually David wakes her motherly emotions and her longing for Martin, her real son. This leads her to activate David’s imprinting protocol, causing David to love her, as a child would love a parent. After Monica realizes she won’t always be there for David, she then gives him Teddy (voice of Jack Angel), a super toy who brings upon himself to care for David.